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How to: Starburst Bracelet…

Today we will be learning how to make a beautiful Starburst Bracelet. This is a beautiful, elegant bracelet that is really easy to make.

Supplies you need:
1) 17x silver beads (6mm)
2) 4x teardrop beads (10x6mm)
3) 12x rondelle beads (8mm)
4) 1x rhinestone encrusted bead (10-12mm)
5) 2x 12 in. Stretchy string

You are going to get both pieces of strings and string the rhinestone bead and place it in the middle.

Next, get your teardrop beads and string them on each string pointing inwards.

Get a silver bead and apply it to the end of the teardrop bead. Do this with all four.

Join the two strings on each end by a silver bead to firm a triangle.

From here on out, you are going to string beads with both strings together using an alternating pattern of a colored bead, and a silver bead on each side.

When you have used all the beads, get both ends of the strings and double knot them. Make sure it’s secure.

Cut off any excess strings and voila!

Fellow crafters, behold your beautiful Starburst bracelet.

You can use any combo of colors to match any outfit.


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Ok crafters, tag me, comment below, let me know how your bracelet came out. Until next time.

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